DART Commission

DART is represented by a board of 12 Commissioners, one from each member government it serves. From its formation in 2006 through September 2017, DART had a nine member Board of Commissioners that represented seven regions based on population, with two Commissioners serving as at-large representatives. DART’s Board of Commissioners and 19 member governments approved a change to DART’s 28E agreement in the summer of 2017 that resulted in a more representative board structure. The board was reduced from 19 members to 14 in July 2018, when five of DART’s smaller member governments withdrew, and from 14 to 12 members in July 2019.

As a tax-supported transit system, DART is accountable to its region's voters. Each member of DART’s Board of Commissioners is an elected official from each individual member government. The DART Commission is a volunteer group who set policy and oversee DART’s budget. DART’s staff manages and carries out system planning and day-to-day operations. Terms for DART Commission positions are four years.

A full list of representatives and alternates from each of DART’s 12 member governments can be found below. In addition to each member government having a representative on the Commission, a weighted vote will be allowed, if called, on matters related to funding, budget, service levels and composition of the Commission. Weighted voting would be 1 vote per 25,000 population. Three-quarters of the quorum present would be required for a weighted vote to pass.

To learn more about changes to DART’s governance structure and the task force that recommended the change in 2017, click here.


Commission Members

Photo of Altoona Mayor Dean O'Connor
Commissioner: Dean O'Connor, Mayor | At-Large
Alternate: Scott Henry

Photo of Todd Shafer

Commissioner: Todd Shafer, Council Member | At-Large
Alternate: Kelly Stearns, Council Member

Photo of Angela McKenzie
Commissioner: Angela McKenzie, Council Member
Alternate: Marketa Oliver, City Administrator

Photo of Srikant Mikkilineni
Commissioner: Srikant Mikkilineni, Council Member
Alternate: Michael McCoy, Council Member

Des Moines
Photo of Mayor Connie Boensen
Commissioner: Connie Boesen, Mayor | Commission Chair
Alternate: Chris Coleman, Council Member

Grimes Commissioner Andrew Borcherding
Commissioner: Andrew Borcherding, City Council
Alternate: Jake Anderson, City Administrator

Photo of Johnston Mayor Paula Dierenfeld
Commissioner: Paula Dierenfeld, Mayor
Alternate: Suresh Reddy, Council Member

Pleasant Hill
Photo of Ross Grooters
Commissioner: Ross Grooters, Council Member
Alternate: Len Murray, Council Member

Polk County
Photo of Angela Connolly
Commissioner: Angela Connolly, County Supervisor
Alternate: Sarah Boese, Deputy County Administrator

Photo of Urbandale Commissioner Bridget Montgomery.
Commissioner: Bridget Montgomery, Council Member | Commission Vice Chair
Alternate: Robert Andeweg, Mayor

West Des Moines
DART Commissioner Russ Trimble (photo coming)
Commissioner: Russ Trimble, Mayor
Alternate: Tom Hadden, City Manager

Windsor Heights
Photo of Windsor Heights Commissioner Joseph Jones.
Commissioner: Joseph Jones, Council Member | Secretary/Treasurer
Alternate: Lauren Campbell, Council Member

Commission Meetings

The Commissioners meet monthly at DART Central Station, 620 Cherry Street, Des Moines. Meetings begin at noon and are typically held on the first Tuesday of the month, although the time and date are subject to change depending on holidays or other events. The meetings for 2025 are scheduled for Jan. 28, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3, July 8, August 5, Sept. 2, Oct. 7, Nov. 4 and Dec. 2.

Public Comments

Citizens are welcome to attend the board meetings and address the Commission. Some questions and concerns might more easily be addressed by staff, so citizens are encouraged to first contact DART staff at 515-283-8100 prior to providing public comment.

The Commission has established guidelines for making public comments to ensure that meetings are conducted efficiently. Citizens may address the Commission during the public comment period at the start of the meeting. Speakers will be limited to three minutes. In addition, the Chair may limit the total time allotted for public comments. 

Citizens will also be given an opportunity to address the Commission during public hearings when they are held during regular meetings. Speakers are asked to limit their comments on the topic of the hearing; unrelated comments can be shared during the regular public comment period at the start of the meeting.

Citizens are kindly asked to limit their remarks to the times allotted for comment so the Commission can conduct business expediently.

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