DART seeks riders feedback on the 2013 Service Proposal. Please take five minutes to complete this survey The survey will be open through Sunday, April 28.
We want to know what you think of riding DART. Please take this 5-minute survey to tell us if you think DART is clean, on time and safe, among other things. Your feedback will help us improve the transit system.
DART is planning service changes including expanded service hours and frequencies on several routes starting in August. Please join us at a meeting to learn about the recommendations and give us your feedback.
RideShare riders and drivers are invited to comment on the planned RideShare fare changes at a public hearing at noon on Tuesday, April 30, at DART Central Station, 620 Cherry Street, Des Moines.
Come check out the NEW Route #60 University/Ingersoll for FREE April 1-30, 2013!
Heading to the NCAA Wrestling Tournament? There are several options for taking public transit into downtown Des Moines.
DART riders will soon be able to plan transit trips more easily using an online trip-planning tool.
Beginning Sunday, March 10, 2013, the following changes will be implemented to better serve DART customers.
EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 2013: The Route 96 EP True Express will begin operating on a revised schedule. The second and third inbound morning trips will now leave Jordan Creek Town Center five (5) minutes later than previously scheduled.
DART bus service will begin at 11:45 a.m. from DART Central Station. NO Express buses will be operating.
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